Was messing around on Facebook (yes, I am a masochist), found an art group and one of the members there (Mic Patterson), did an excellent black and white sketch of the good doctor.
In comments, indicated that I was a big fan of the Doc and thought he had done an excellent job and it would love to color it. He made the mistake of saying “go for it”.
So, I did, admittedly got a bit carried away with it, so there’s that.
Still learning Clip Paint, so this was basically done with that product (the supreme version of it; They have two versions, and I can never keep the two straight.). A cintiq (where I actually have gestures working now) and a brand spankin new PC (brag much?!?) went with a rtx 3080, since I don’t know if I have fire insurance on the house (heard someone was using a 4080 for toasting marshmallows?)
Still learning the product, but don’t think it turned out half bad. Product itself not terribad, there is a bit of a learning curve, but it does seem for the most part to work as advertised.
Clip Paint, when it behaves does well. HOWEVER, when it doesn’t; You try and use a layer the wrong way, have issues with masks, etc. (works fine, just not as obvious as I would have expected).
Hardest thing is relabelling the d*mned layers. Clicking with a stylus, sort of works if you click it enough. There is another way to set them;
Layers > settings > Rename
Why this isn’t on the pop up menu on layers is beyond me.
Also, the product uses a hybrid web / application weird configuration. Quite confusing.
Done and done again.
Thanks to Mic for the inspiration and his good work.